



周一 周二 周三 周四 星期五
早上7:00 -耐力快车* 早上7:00 -瑜伽 早上6:30 -单车 晚上7:30 -舞蹈健身 早上7:00 - 45*电源
下午12点45分——嗨 晚上7:30 -舞蹈健身 晚上6:30 -拉丁舞    
    晚上7:30 -有氧自由搏击    



这一小时的课程侧重于自由搏击(拳)的各个方面, 阻塞, 踢, 跳绳, 权力, 灵活性, 等.),再配上高能量的音乐,让课堂充满活力! This energized class provides a positive experience for all fitness and experience levels.


开放给所有的健身水平,来加入我们的高能量有氧自行车锻炼! This is a traditional cycle session that takes you on a ride designed to strengthen your body and elevate your cardio all while jamming to hit tunes. 别忘了你的水瓶!


Get your heart pumping and your muscles burning in this fun-fast paced dance fitness class. This class focuses on high and low intensity dance moves that increase both muscle strength and 灵活性. You don't have to be a dancer, just someone who wants to get an exciting and challenging workout in. 别忘了你的水瓶!


想要增加你的有氧运动或获得更快的跑步时间? 这门课是为你准备的! Optimizing different forms of cardio equipment and workouts this class will build up your endurance and strength. 让你的心率上升,带一瓶水!


这种训练是一种全身锻炼. Work through this high intensity interval training session designed to tone your full body while also working your cardiovascular system. 准备好在这堂课上挑战自己,走出课堂时感觉自己很强壮!


Get your heart pumping and your muscles burning in this fun fast-paced dance fitness class. This class focuses on high and low intensity dance moves that increase both muscle strength and 灵活性. You don't have to be a dancer, just someone who wants to get an exciting and challenging workout in. 别忘了你的水瓶.

权力45 *

来上课准备工作! This 45-minute express class uses full body weighted and unweighted exercises whlie challenging your cardiovascular system in a fun and fast paced environment.


课程以热身开始, 进入有氧运动阶段, 包括冷却, 最后以拉伸结束. 所有的动作都在浅水中完成.



Flow Fit又回来了! This class is designed to elevate your mind body connection through controlled full body pilates-style strengthening exercises. With the use of various equipment and props you can expect a great cardiovascular and strength building workout.


Your decision to acquire a personal trainer is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. 定期锻炼是一个重要的自我保健策略. A Personal Trainer will assist you design an exercise program and realistic fitness goals that are right for you. This can em权力 you to make lifestyle changes which will ultimately enhance the quality of your life.

A Personal Trainer will make sure that you exercise appropriately which will reduce the potential for injury as a result of a lack of knowledge. You will learn how to safely and effectively execute a specific exercises and how use exercise equipment. You will gain tremendous confidence and your adherence to exercise will be enhanced as a result of keeping your appointments with your personal trainer.

如果你已经有规律地锻炼, a personal trainer can help you refine and make appropriate changes to your existing training program. A Personal Trainer is committed to making the most of your training program and helping you develop a complete and comprehensive exercise plan.




Do I have to be a member of ISU 学生娱乐中心 to have a Personal Trainer?

不,私人培训服务对年满18岁的人开放. 非会员只能在与教练一起工作时使用该建筑. 建议您每天购买一张2美元的停车通行证, 因为你可能在早上7:30到下午5:00之间买票.


是的, you may as long as the Personal Trainer is employed by the ISU 校园娱乐 personal training program and their schedule can accommodate yours.


培训课程将在国际滑联学生娱乐中心举行. 培训师会尽量在你方便的时候安排课程.


The training sessions are 30 minutes in length and may be combined for a one-hour session.


This ultimately depends upon the outcome of your consultation appointment with a personal trainer. The personal trainer will want to discuss with you what your specific needs and goals may be. This will be the basis to determine how many session(s) may be necessary to achieve your designated goals.


Your decision to do small group training is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. 定期锻炼是一个重要的自我保健策略. Small group training allows a group of individuals to train together for a common goal while receiving individual attention. 教练会帮助你和你的团队设计一个锻炼计划. 你的团队是否在为团队跑步进行训练, 健康的挑战, 增进健康, or just wants to workout with friends; small group training is a fun and safe way to exercise.

Groups benefit because the cost per person is lower than the cost of training one on one with a trainer. 教练将为小组的每个成员设计合适的练习. You will gain tremendous confidence and your adherence to exercise will be enhanced as a result of attending all sessions with your group.



Do we have to be members of ISU 学生娱乐中心 to have 小组训练?

Every individual in the group using the small group training services must be a SRC member.


是的, you may as long as the Personal Trainer is employed by the ISU 校园娱乐 personal training program and their schedule can accommodate the group.


The training sessions are one hour in length, they can NOT be set up in 30-minute increments. 培训师将根据小组的可用性安排课程. 


The trainers have experience working with a variety of levels of fitness and will design appropriate exercises for everyone in the group.


你放弃了这段时间. 没有补课,你也不能把你的课转让给别人. 不能退款.

Can I have a small group training session if other people in my group don’t show up at the designated time?

是的, you will always have a training session regardless if everyone in your group is in attendance.


代表SRC职员, we congratulate you upon your decision to complete the InBody Body Composition Analysis.

以产生最准确的结果, it is necessary for you to complete and adhere to the following protocol prior to completing the scheduled body composition analysis.


  • 提前一天补水
  • 考试当天不要喝含咖啡因的饮料
  • 在测试前3-4小时不吃东西
  • 考试前6-12小时不锻炼吗
  • 洗澡或桑拿后不要做身体测试
  • 测试前24小时内不饮酒
  • 确保双脚可以穿可拆卸的鞋子(不要穿袜子或连裤袜)
  • 避免在手上或脚上使用乳液
  • 对于女性来说,如果你正在经期,就不要进行检测
  • Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic medical devices should NOT take the InBody Test
  • 不建议孕妇进行体内测试  


  • 摘掉所有首饰
  • 站立至少5分钟后测量
  • 在冬季进行测试前,先热身20分钟


